They also are not trying to be disrespectful. They are simply expressing their feelings but need a little guidance on how to do that in a positive way. It is not always due to an undiagnosed or even a diagnosed mental illness.
The human brain is not fully developed until around age 25. Until then, kids may have difficulty with planning, weighing actions against consequences and organizing ideas, concepts and even physical space (the gross bedroom that you've told them to clean fifty-eleven times!).
Teenagers do listen to adults and they want someone to talk to them about living a prosperous life. They need help answering questions about their future. So much pressure is placed on them to have answers that frankly, they have not thought about. Many of them are focused on surviving day to day in the world they live in. This world looks nothing like it did 2o+ years ago when I was in high school. I have to give them respect and honor. I could not successfully navigate the world of social media, civil unrest and a harsh political climate while managing raging teenage hormones. Let's not even get started on the pre-adolescent struggles of the modern day!
We don't have control over much of what goes on in the world. We can control the level of support we provide, the encouraging words we speak, the thought provoking questions we ask and listening ears that we provide.